To advance and disseminate knowledge and skills vital to the holistic development of leader / managers through teaching, training, research and consultancy steeped in traditional values.
To inspire and transform young minds, thereby creating an abundant and enriched managerial pool to propel India as a Global Leader.
We believe learning is productive, When knowledge and expertise of individuals from various disciplines and diverse backgrounds are blended and disseminated on a common platform, it yields a cutting edge to professional education. Our objective is to encourage such diversity, which ultimately reflects in a professionally embodied student exploring and successfully countering the complex vistas of the corporate world.
Innovation is the key to a successful existence across any product category. In our pursuit of excellence, we constantly adapt to changes in the economy and encompass newer trends and changes in education and research. This is our commitment to create pedagogy relevant to all the stakeholders.
We strongly believe that openness to change, participation and fairness are vital ingredients to building a culture conducive to learning and consequent growth.
Quality and Excellence in Education’ at IBS bears witness to